Longview Daily News from Longview, Washington (2024)

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Longview Daily Newsi

Longview, Washington

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Unfurnlthod Aptt 184 225 225 Automotive Ditplay The Dily News Thundoy May 16 1968 Automoblloi for Solo 200 CONKULT ymif' credltunlon lint when buying a car then JIM MARSH PONTIAC leal Page 24 logging Sup 164 I4 1' I wrlti I'laite drum end qiiltnrnt SMi A Will huH th nnlv (list) Ituilur tr P(mitr Irtijr or tiqitil JI IMMO Call til (inl'M 7 Mid'ullmh ill In mw du ('(iii armor lip liar hmla fXrt In rarburvtof a) Trailer IT or rail after II JO Ml A KU hoard wanted lllahrst pi M-ee fiald llaya $73 JtGA etea DO Ot'ifl kalama hliakt In Campt rt 203 A mo ft Kruntirr HUM 3 bed room Vary Hood conil unfurnished 27oO tijii uu'tt ALMOST new camper Jack" "(ur-nare 423-575M AIUIIA 23 ft 274-M02 evpa Aloha 15 tri with eua Ilka new liiuy 4 lid APACHE Fold-out Cimpiri hales llentula 423-H7DH eves HKLLWOOD 13' t-amp trailer newly painted exterior clean neat Interior I'tl'V rtIrt-lIHlt DUAL axle 3113-6432 Unfurnhhed Houtot 142 TWO rtwiiq newly decorated adiilta only 173423-4422 TWO ledrooin duplex near Olympic hi IiimiI $73 pin den Cal inn Agency 434-1J1 1 1 Wf) bedroom wall to wall carpel Ilk new $tm mo belevl lieal Ldnl 423 3367 TWO ttednxmi Columbia-llgia area range rtlrlg avail June 142390 Kli TWO bedroom elec heat 1417 8 Nth 3U3 after 33d TWO bdrma HlghliniU IMI drp 423 6116 alter fl 30 in THREE liedrm iloe lo ichoola hupping $l203i3-342vra THREE bdrm 1 hatha car-pel leae $110 423-7711 Honot A Iqulpmont 176 A beautiful haddl Horse mar It Ilex I'IimhI line 7 yr old real (la trained or will wat lor ideas iiiii22 'll ALL Arab 1 Quartei hurst mar 2 ilii I luilion all alnl 613207 Wlnloth Al'PAMX'SA fo breeding b(kgroumt ixinin: other hoi III trade cui4 afier 4 in Breaking and training lauTic a apei'laliy llav your ony en tird now tor lummir riding Vader 293-3570 lUJU'K 3 old Iteg mar a real Iwatiiv $173 A eyt 2l4-ool CHILD'S pony xear olci "sad-ill bridle i 4 Sn year old genii mart 42T I 15 ea EQUITY In 12xot) 3 bedroom all elec mobile home sm rlfli lor SI 000 Alsu alum awn Ing for SJIH) 3U7171I2 Kb Hel ena Ore FLEKTCHAFT 'ml 13' sell or trade for 81' camper 834 Sky line View ilAWTHOHNK $2113 423-6412 Vaiallonrer INSTANT vac6llon home rlran Hensley Ml-style 47x10 2 bedrooms 393-62 1H KIT 10'x35' 3 'bdrm rxpnndo living room Want 4M RV14 MARIETTE 20' ex-psnrio 3 bdrm carpeting never moved $hih) down 728-2047 Clstskanl after 3 MOlilLEHOME 'nit 20' very good condition $43tm Clatxkinde 72JI-2141 or 728JH43 NASHUA 10x50 tilt' oiit72 bedroom awning aklrtlng in court $3500 636-0731 TRAILER SALES MOBILE HOMES SHASTA M0T0RH0MES TRAVEL TRAILERS it VAGABOND (fr VAN DYKE Ct GREAT LAKES Ct CHAMPION KIT Ct SHASTA Ct FLEETCRAFT Parts E-Z Lift Hitches Insurance Terms Up to 13 Yeara Cowlitz Gardena Kelao Follow RR tracka north on Pacific Over RR on river 393-1918 393-9458 PREMIER INSURANCE CO Mobile Home insurance Dave Webater Agent 423-4790 SPRING TRAVEL TRAILER SEASON The largest Travel Trailer stock in the Longview area All alzes available OLDS TRAILER CO Hwy 30 Clatskanie 728-2744 OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK Hi MOBILE HOMES Sales Service Parts Lie Towing Awnings Skirtings 300 Long Ave 395-5505 Kelso 395-5592 3RD AVE MOBILE HOMES 1259 3rd 425-8450 GUY'S TRAILER PARTS 1416 Tennant Way 423-8270 LAZY Trailer Sales 655 Commerce Longview 423-4790 LAMPLIGHTER 12x48 2 bedroom all electric furnished $4700 BR00KW00D 12 58 all electric front kitchen furnished $5195 LAMPLIGHTER 12x60 with tipout $6295 LAZY Mobilehome Sales 655 Commerce at Tennant Way 423-4790 Buy or Sell With Classified Ads 225 Automotive Comport RKX lux 111 2 bcdttxmi pa fmn 423-7671) ace at 224 Ute-tun Way hpa 22 It FX IlrtKikwood rt7lt)i0 2 lirdriHim Bna eqillpMl Pay equity take mrr payment 1140 Itnae Vallrv Road HOLLOWAY 3d 8x40 refln Islietl new dratiea A rsr-t wimi 2JUJ1II7 tdiKlJp Helen SirUltlTY camiwra Kleinian AjJccpJ'lntskanle THAVK1KZK '4 14' very clean 42S-3'tif) I IP-1 S' 1 1 A NT a'gk Mnbllrhnin and Travel Trailer J3AII Mobile JU3 35(13 TRAILERS FOII HKS'TI 7 day week fur $30: but A Sun $30 Hookup included Dlitull Smith 423 1921) $150000 We sold over $150000 In muhllelioinr at th Trallrr llf Show Trailer Coach Assn will verify this Did you ace our: Ihnlurr Columbia Salertuy Tamarack Skyline Champion end Aloha travel trailers Come to Clatskanie and aavet OLDS TRAILER CO Hwy 30 Clatskanie 728-2744 OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK VALLEY SALES Security 68 like new 8V Ccnoples Thermo-Tops Fits most pickups Fully lightweight WINNEBAGO MOTOR HOMES Thermo panel construction sleeps 6-8 747 Commerce 425-72)0 Accetsoriet-Repairlng 203 AL'S Auto Repair under new manager Overhaul A tuneuu 138 a thorne 63B-2070 ALUMINUM canopv camper 6x5x5 425-6280 611 Calif Way COMPLETE bndv paint glass Twin City Body Shop Kelso CHEVY 283 engine $50 com- TOOLS steam cleaners arc and acetylene welders mlse tools for rent VALLEY RENTAL 904 Commerce425-23M) WRECKED Corvalr with '64 motor 1400 mllea be at 384 Fishpond Rd Kelso REBUILT starters Generators for most foreign cars Foreign car parts A repairing ACME WELDING 4510 Ocean Beach 423-9565 Auto parts at discount prices AUTO PARTS CENTRE (formerly Lv Western Auto) 1209 Commerce 423-6000 AUTO CLINIC Complete Service: Tuneups Transmissions Work guar fair prices BURNELL A FRANK JAMES 1148 15th 425-0980 JACK'S AUTOMOTIVE Special! eng $9950 Guar Work 2010 Pacific 636-1930 638-0071 OPEN FOR BUSINESS TONY SCHAP'S DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS 11th A Hemlock 423-7820 Radiator Service 6 Starter Generator Tune shock service 1170 15th 423-6970 Radiator Repair Wheel Aligning Body Work Auto Painting 1230 12th 425-2720 Auto Services 206 VOLKSWAGEN SPECIALISTS German Auto Repair 1135 Washington Way 423-8180 Automobile Wanted 213 BUY YOUR SHARP CAR or sell It on consignment Glenn Osborn 425-5491 TOLEDO AUTO WREQKERS 864-2418 Open 7 days week 225 Wisner QUIET AND NEW Four-plex 3 units 2 bdrms carpeted drapes appliances avocado green 2013 42nd JLv 393-7918 Quiet roomy 2 bedroom fir-place own W(hr A dryer alxi 1 bedroom 423-3237 Spacious 3 bedroom wtr' a garbnue pd appliance $160 Slrt4)3u3 ave SPACIOUS 3 bedroom apt carpel fireplace range refrlg dlihwaiher Inn after 4:30 1IM4 Wali Wav ON bedroom duplex range reiilg 110 mo 423-8777 TWO bedroom with view elej trio heal carpet range rafrlg carport no pats 1105 036- ooiij TWO bedrm 1218 20th adults no pat 42V1276 for appt TWO bedroom wll7wall cal' fiei rang refrlg water gar-age A TV cbl paid $05 mo 42V6477 TWO 2-bedroom $90 A $95 Kelo Range refrigerator drape 423-UHlM or 636-0362 TWO bedroom wall to wall carpel refrigerator range drape washing facllltle $9950 425-401 1 after TWO bedroom wll to wall carpet range refrlg drape water A garhaga pdj cloae to town and hnpt)lng Cal Wlnna Agency 423-1311 or 423-8019 Bob Jonaa or 395-6894 JUn Fisher TWO bedroom apt cloae In appliance carpeting drape Ire wahlng facllltle carport atorage 425-7110 8-5 425-8453 eve TWO bedroom wallwell carpet drapes range refrlg laundry facllltle atorige area carport adults no pels $125 1233-20th 423-2244 eve OLYMPIC PLAZA 1914 Olympic Way Nice 3 bedroom range refrlg washer-dryer water paid fireplace carpeted 423-0738 VANCE TERRACE Brand new In Rainier: 1 2 bedroom apts tile baths wall to wall carpets drapes all appliance $85 to $100 Mot have view overlooking the Columbia River 3rd end St Furn or unfurn See Apt Mgr 1110 10th Apt 3 Wanted to Rent 185 ANYONE having rooms to rent with or without board or light housekeeping facilities please call 425-2150 Ext 726 Needed for student during aummer months Butinest Property 186 NEW modern office apace approx 500 sq ft large parking area 425-5880 OFFICE space 1700 sq ft 18th Hudson 423-7700 PRIME RETAIL SPACE 750 aq ft up to 11000 sq ft Longview Agency Inc ph 425-3700 1451 Broadway REPAIR SHOP apace for lease 1300 sq ft Arrow Car Wash Lv-Kelso border $150 423- 6174 STORE space aultable for TV or appliance repair hobby shop plumbing or electrical contractor Izmgvlew Agency Inc Ph 425-3700 Furnithod Rooms 191 ROOMS: weekly rate $8 or $9 Duncan Hotet 423-3380 Room Board 192 BOARD room with TVs on bus line 425-9617 LARGE room private home $25 wk laundry extra 1703 Side Hwy Lexington 393-1727 ROOM and boa'rd'for men Private home 425-5486 ROOM and Board home cooked meals Day week or mo Hudson Hotel 1309 9th 423-3203 Trailer Space-Traileri 194 ALL sized trailer spaces storage carport Rainier 559-2171 RANCHO Trailer space 274-61872 12 Chapman Rd CR TRAILER space for rent El Patio 425-6280 811 Calif Wy TRAILER SPACE 5516 Indus- trial Way 423-7582 TRAILER spaces available Manaacos 393-9989 395-1105 TRAILER space for rent 601 Nevada Drive VERY latest wide 2 bed-room mobllehome Lease with option to buy Mr Smith 423-7100 Cars Trucks for Rent 195 NATIONAL CAR RENTAL $8 Day 9c Mile Buck Wlsner Bulck 423-7840 Automotivt Automobile! for Sale 200 ALFA coupe 1965 274-6422 aft-er 4:30 pm BU1CK LeSabre 4-door exc cond 423-2737 after 6 BUICK Riviera auto steering brakes seats aerial windows A more $1995 423' 3404 after 4 BUICK 2-dr Century $250 Chev 4-dr $150 425-8968 BUICK excellent condition 636-3759 eves BUICK Wildcat 4 door hardtop new cond $1395 2911 Colorado Lv CADILLAC convertible exc cond one owner 423-0212 ONLY ONE Chev like mine Camaro eng 327 cu in BW T10 4-sp deep mags new Redllne tires Call Mei 425-5266 CHEVELLE 283 3-sp trans 425-3121 after 6 pm 636-0752 CHEV panel GTO buckets roll pleat lnt 423-7425 excellent condition CHEV Bel Air 4-dr RAH auto steering runs like a new one $1695 Emmett Koelsch Dealer 423-6142 CHEV Bel Air 4 dr V-8 station wagon new tires power steering $1995 Emmett Koelsch 423-5142 CHEV Corvalr Monza 900 423-2280 ext 63 or 636-0323 after6prm CHEVY Bel Air auto 4-door RAH air $500 423-5298 CHEV impala hdtp low 1 1 a excellent condition Phone 423-2737 after 6 pm CHEV Impala SS 327 275 hp power steering auto 395-0320 423-6137 CHEV buckets 3 speed Hurst $500 393-7182 CHEV 4-dr station wagon good cond $175 425-2314 CHEV go-to-work car good tires $50 425-7971 CHEV hdtp 4-speed 301 cub 265 cam A more $400 803 Pacific Kelso CHEV station wagon sell or tfade for 425-6064 CHEV Impala Station Wagon $2250 425-7277 CHEV Nomad Immaculate condition 425-0586 CHEV 210 coupe new paint tires seat covers chrome wheels radio standard 6 68000 ml $500 785-3411 days 785-3098 eves A Corvalr good condition 4-speed 395-3012 CORVAIR 4-drive RAH $400 423-8366 CORVAIR exc cond low mileage make offer 423-1131 CORVETTE Fastback $2295 423-4898 CORVETTE Roadster 327 350 hp $3395 Trade 425-6316 Moforcycfei-ScooUn 220 PI CAT! i 125( 0 $250 423 6313 flTtFEVFS Moto Uroa 'tui 23icc 274 44511 II Alt LEY 74 excellent mm rtlllon $16(61 421X00(1 Dirt 2437 eve at 1232 Vsmlcr- rook ay ilONliA (13 3o3 SrraTiibfer roitdv apple blue exc cond 2s314U nt6kiile HONDA no 4 43-3234Jr HONDA 3ti 1113 mllea $135 2141 Mopla Lv HONDA '5(1 ''68 $175 42J493'8 after 4p in HONDA 1013 59 runs good $129 trail for car 636 0743 HONDA '113 259 er equipped for trail exc 423 3621 SUZUKI U7-I20c" trsfllilie 1(8) Ilk new 425-8266 SUZUKI '300 274 6462 SUZUKI 1125 1936 2 lt after 3 pm Cub exe com! new tlrea low mileage For quick sale $205 Taw USED CYCLE SALE! Honda 160 with knobby tires $325 Two YAMAHA TRAILS $219 each SUZUKI X6-250 $475 Low down EZ payments Longview Honda llondn Montes Sales Service Parts Honda Generators Cycle Insurance 1003 Commerce 425-3410 YAMAHAS From $245 and up Easy terms authorized service SPECIALTY MOTORS 783 Commerce 423-3160 We've Moved to a new location! Special Purchase Sale! 33 NEW Hill-Billy Suzukis The prlre haa been slashed Were $385 Now Just 325 $9103 down $1272 month (for 24 months OAC) Ct Ct it PARTS ACCESSORIES Approx 14 off KNOBBY TIRES 400x14 4-ply 1875 BATTERIES X-6 Suzuki or Honda Scrambler 950 All spark plugs 89c Approximately off on tubes BOB'S MOTORCYCLES 1131 3rd Ave 423-0990 Automotive Ditplay 225 BUD MASON AUTO MART 1345 Wash Way 423-5310 MASON FORD 423-4321 1350 Vandercook Way Lv PARROTT MOTOR TO 315 Oak Kelso 395-2140 Emmett Koelsch Dealer 393-5142 LEWIS RIVER MOTOR CO Chev Olds Sales Service 1061 Dale Woodland 225-2131 NEIL MOTOR CO FORD MERCURY Woodland 22-5-3271 Harry Sparks LINCOLN MERCURY INTERNATIONAL 1210 12th Lv 425-3540 Buick Phone 423-7840 Rupleys Castle Rock CAMPER UNITS 68 Chevrolet i-ton Fleelsida Camper Special with 59 engine turbo-hydra power steering it new SECURITY 10'i It front-kitchen Camper (Demo) '66 Chevrolet h-ton Floetslde 327 V8 with brand new SECURITY 8 '4' front-dinette lightweight camper Installed the unit ready to roll $2998 GMC li-ton wide box pickup V6 engine with brand new SECURITY Mountaineer camper installed and ready to roll $2498 '63 Chevrolet LWB pickup 292 cu in 6 cyl with SECURITY 8'V side-dinette enmper color- matched and ready $2598 '63 Chevrolet i-ton Fleetside 292 4-speed HD tires wheels with brand new SECURITY 84 ft sido-dlnctte camper equipped with wall heater oven it stove lloV lighting carpeting installed and rendy to roll $3198 '58 GMC 4-ton with 84 ft Chinook Camper a real buy at $1698 COMMERCIALS '66 Chevrolet 4 ton Fleetside 292 4 speed $1750 66 GMC LWB 4-ton wide box V-6 new finish $1850 '65 GMC LWB 4-ton 6-cyl wide box $1630 '65 Chevrolet Suburban Carryall real nice one $1798 65 Dodge Suburban Town Wagon nice onel $1630 '64 GMC LWB wide box 4-ton V6 $1550 '64 Chevrolet LWB 4-ton Fleetside new finish $1550 63 Corvalr "95" Rampslde Canopy new finish $395 '62 Corvalr "93" Rampslde pickup $698 '61 Chevrolet 4-ton Fleetside new finish $1098 61 Chevrolet 4-ton Stepslde new finish $1098 '59 GMC 1-ton CREW BUS $530 Chevrolet 1-ton PANEL real good shape $798 si! PickuP( a good buy at $475 58 GMC LWB 4-ton pickup new finish $798 Dodge 4-ton long wheelbase V-8 4-speed $698 57 Ford 4 ton pickup 3 speed $698 54 Chevrolet Suburban Carrydl a good buy $250 GMC 1-ton CREW BUS $398 Ford HD 4-ton pickup $225 Dodge 4-ton pickup $150 TRUCKS Studebaku 1-ton flatbed $750 Ford F-8 Van 1000 rubber $898 International L-160 Van $350 International KB5 flatbed 2-speed $398 Since 1941 Oldsmobile Dial 274-4175 or 274-6622 Castle Rock Terry Huson 393-7019 Orlin Groth 274-8475 Leo Bazel 274-8600 George Fiscola 423-6157 Riverside Motors Good Used Cars WAS NOW '64 Comet 202 6 cyl stick low mileage $895 $795 '64 Rambler Classic 6 cyl stick 4 door sharp! $1095 $995 '63 Volks panel bus $995 $895 '63 Comet 6 cyl auto Club coupe real good shape $995 $895 '63 Volvo 122S $1295 $1095 '63 Pontiac Starchief air cond 4 door hardtop $1095 $995 '63 Corvair panel $495 $395 '62 Ford Fairlane 500 V-8 auto $995 $795 i '61 Ford station wagon stick o'drive $595 $495 '61 Buick Invicta $695 $595 '60 Plymouth 6 cyl stick $395 $195 '59 Pontiac 4 door auto $495 $395 59 Chevrolet 6 cyl auto $295 '59 Volks panel $295 '59 Chev Impala convertible $395 We have many other Volkswagens to choose from! Come take a look Open Weekdays 'til 6 Friday nite 9 Riverside Motors AUTHOftlZCft ClAktlt I George Ogden 636-0591 Bill Coburn 393-0683 Sales 1545 12th and 1515 12th Phone 423-5550 1 You'll find the Cleanest Cars Best Values at Glenn Osborn's 1 yr warranty available on most '62's and newer! Ford Galaxie 500 hardtop coupe power steering 390 motor gorgeous car practically new Factory warranty 1 $2695 '67 Dodge Polara 4-dr power steering and brakes air conditioning factory warranty $2895 '66 Ford LTD hdtp epe auto steering Low mileage like new $2395 Buick 4-dr hdtp Electra 225 Custom Full power factory air vinyl top finest luxury sedan $3395 Chrysler Newport Cpe low miles gorgeous car $2495 Volks Squareback station wagon real low miles $1795 Chevrolet Impala coupe V-8 power steering Real sharp $2195 Buick Skylark custom sports wagon steering 9 passenger air cond Scarce find about one of these a year! $2595 Chevrolet Impala 4-door 327 power steering brakes air conditioning Real sharp! $1995 Chevrolet 6-cyl station wagon stick extra low mileage $1645 Pontiac station wagon power steering brakes factory air conditioning 1 $1795 Ford Country sedan V8 with overdrive clean $1395 Cadillac Sedan DeVille full power air cond $2195 Cadillac Coupe DeVille full power air conditioned Clean as most $2195 Mercury Comet sedan We believe this to be the nicest one in town $795 61 Ford 4-door Country Sedan auto power steering Special $699 Chevrolet Corvair coupe auto $499 Chev Greenbriar 4-speed 3 seat $795 Chev Vi ton pickup Gem top $645 Open Evenings and Sunday afternoons Glenn Osborn's Bank Financing 1 1 25 Vandercook Way 425-5491 PATHUN la (he best ahane torn-omy haa ever been In Huy your at Stephen Triangle 1m-portaeJSqiDOO FIAT "iliHi" extra anow tlreawhaala 423-4142 FORD Falcon 2-dr auto IUHV Emmett Koelach Dealer 423-5142 rORn Country 8 I a wagon $100 673-3735 Kalama FORD 7H5 4lr wagon V-8 RAIf anlo power ateerlng whltt Emmett Koolach Dealer 423-3142 FORD Convert drafted must aril 3H3-4316 FORD 30 coupe eireet rod custom frame Heml torquefllte Iran dual t-arh chopped channeled a 1 1 a Beautiful Nearly finished Duty callaJI3rt33l7 FORD Fordor 8 good txmdKaliimChvron Station Ford V-8 atb run good best offer 423-7049 f'ORD Victoria 1205 new auto Iran good tlrea aharp body Kalama 673-4820 eve FORI) Gaiexle 300 '3- Hurst almost new tlrax good cond IH95 or trade on late model Volks 274-62H9 MODEL A 1030 2-dnor sedan good body extra part fi'irt-6301 Ralnlar 1146-B West af- ter3 pm MOVING must tell Ford Galaxte BOO XL 2-door auto floor ahlft asking $1500 365 Douglas 425-708(1 COMET '62 atlck ahlft 6 cyl run good $330 425-8729 TRAD'E $1800 equity In 3)7 Comet Capri for older car A you take over bal 423-0303 eve MERC 2 -dr hardtop $350 or best offer 639-3147 MERCa '64 1 owner 20000 ml '35 Ford wagon top offer takes 425-9473 MUSTANG '65 6 cyl 3 apeed good condition RAH $1495 274-8093 274-8252 425-7240 THUNDKRB1RD hdtp exc cond 423-4374 after 7 pm JAGUAR XKE roadster 2 tops new tlrea Irani clutch 636-0474 JEEP Overland station wagon 4WD hubs new paint excellent! $850 423-8209 JEEP '65 4-door Wagoneer low mileage aee at 1503 23rd after 4:30 pm CONSULT your Credit Union FIRST when buying a Carl OPEL Rally 423-0845 Olds 1968 F-85 2-door sedan $2662 Thornley's OLDS '58 98 Holiday J-2 engine 10000 on o'haul all pow-er equip $300 785-3124 OLDS 88 4 door steering A brakes new tires brakes A exhaust A shocks 636-4069 OLDS Super 88 2 door hardtop 95746527CR OLDS '66 Dynamic 88 4-dr hardtop brakes A steering auto RAH extras 1111 Ten-nant Way Sp 27 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4 door sedan stick shift New Mlche-len tires and shocks $395 Inquire at Bank of Cowlitz Coun-ty Lv PLYMOUTH V8 auto 4- door new tires 425-7262 CATALINA 4-door hardtop full power 636-0876 GTO '84 ET mags $1350 423-2793 before 2 pm GRAND PRIX Pontiac good condition 425-1497 PONTIAC Grand Prlx exc full power 425-3094 PONTIAC '59 Catalina runs good $200 395-5126 PONTIAC '60 Ventura 395-5134 before 4 pm PONTIAC '60 4-dr auto RAH very good cond Rainier 556-2161 PONTIAC Catalina 4-dr hardtop everything Including air conditioning 423-5337 SUNBEAM Alpine one owner good tires RAH 4-sp overdrive 274-6934 TRIUMPH TR 3 green $500 best offer 423-1435 TR-3 new rebuilt 425-7483 TR3-A $895 425-8492 LARGE selection of used Volkswagen 100 guarantee on parts and labor Riverside Motors 15441211423-5550 VOLKS radio good shape $500 393-8013 after 6 VOLKS exc cond loaded with extras $1595 425-6316 VOLKS best offer over $1200 425-9737 after 6 See Millard A Sons 864 Commerce 423-8780 VOLVO one of the 7 best-made cars In the world Road and Track magazine picked it we sell it Stephens Triangle Imports425-3900 W1LLYS Jeep '60 CJ3 hubs winch tow bar RAH good cond 1540 -9th Ave For New A Used Cars Bob A 961 Commerce CASCADE MOTORS 1218 Vandercook 425-7940 DUTOIT A SMITH Used Cars and Pickups 706 15th 423-1020 TORRENCE INSURANCE Auto Insurance Headquarters 425-4800 Truckt for Sale 201 CHlV ton pickup $375 or will trade for car 423-8513 CHEV pickup ton LNB sh arp $595 425-2443 CHEV 14 -ton pickup runs good $250 423-5809 CHEV pickup deluxe cab clean Inside canvas covered alum frame over box $275 423-9236 after 4 pm CHEV -ton homemade overhead camper '57 V8 engine split-rim wheels $400 DATSUN Jeep take over pmts Pickup for equity 423-2091 DODGE pickup long box $250 425-7788 DODGE 14 ton $145 GMC 14 ton $325 900 Willow Kelso DUMP truck 3 axle 5 A 4 spd air mechanically real good buy $2300 423-4780 FORD 14 -ton pickup 41000 mi $1150 Cabover camper $600 395-0705 FORD 14 ton V8 3 speed top 395-686L FORD 1 ton pickup with canopy good cond 425-3056 FORD 14 ton pickup $350 Kalama 673-4820 eves FORD 14 -ton LWB new engine plywood canopy 2 spare tires and wheels overload springs RAH $550 or best offer 423-2019 GMC 14 ton pickup Olds powered with auto trans extra motor and trans $225 Trailer Ct or call 556- 7481after 6:30 14 ton pickup see at 1405 Cypress 423-2770 425- 3943 STUDE '50 14 ton pickup motor In top shape 423-0280 423- 5873 WILLYS Jeep 4 WD hubs V8 new paint top cond $995 423-3422 393-2461 BOWERS Auto Sales 4-WD our specialty 403 Main FOUCH EQUIP INC Pickup A truck parts 756 Calif Way 423-2870 Rupley's Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Castle Rock 274-6622 (SIVlt I avir l'iti'in Iruik It trailer aiMHts alter 0 itawler with lilaila drum canepi in xt rond etiralia71n ner pm luu t'ai rkellent romllllon (rtt 1' KICK crawler traitor land" 274 wr'o THICK IK with Inthtwaifhl tiaitnr and lone trallrr tn haul rrdar ahakr Iron CsUlilaniet Vn tn Westport Or Call 7 11V 14 'A or wrllt P0 Box 30 YUS yard 'hi dump truck i yard unit ahovel 'hj Ford far Mud pickup 274-k4M SAWS TVmlan It Canadirn INGRAM'S SAW SHOP 2nd- KeteOIVI 2J119 our romideto rlKBlna loft for low coat Ire row A rlatring COAST CABLE CO of Longview tOOregunWay 423-fl720 Authorized MrCulloch Service McCulloch Chain Saw New and used $19 and up I nr all types of outdoor work! FLOWERLANI) Beach Hy4234HU Homelite Chain Saws SALES SERVICE MANTHE EQUIPMENT CO 1018 Calif Way 4217130 Farmer! LOGS MEAN CASH! Top price for Log RAINIER MFG CO Rainier Ora 556-4411 CHAINS AW tW USED-Pioneer Oregon Beat lor Lea" Saw chain It acceaaorle $50 40 off on kom Saw Service 329 2nd St Kelao 393-2 1ST Livestock Poultry A Rabbit 170 YEN laying hen with 5 cage fully equipped with waterer feeder $30 also new cages 425-3032 WHITE BUNNIES 423-6181 Farmon' Needs 171 CONDITIONED HAY Crawford Win lock 783-3824 EASTERN Wish alfalfa delivered from $25 up Order first cutting early Toledo 864-6477 ECONOMY feed! 12 $50 Alfalfa pellet $5250 Both by sack or ton Toledo 864-6477 14 mi WStM ary's Academy GROUND oats barley $325 per 100 lbs Straw John Fulton Toledo 864-2219 HAVE pasture for rent dike land for approx 60 head of cattle CIalskante728-2838 HAY $25 ton Box' 8412 West Side Hwy Castle Rock Remund 274-6039 JOHN-DEERE mech good new rubber $475 393-6791 Pott of All Kindt 172 A self propelled Jacobsen reel type mower (a good one) 3003 Penn St Lv ADORABLE tiny Toy Poodle pupsStud servke42V1306 AKC reg white min poodle puppies exc pedigree 425-4347 AKC Scotch Terrier puppies show quality champion blood lines 395-8024 AKC poodle puppies Stud Serv lee 425-0812 AKC mule-sliver poodle $30 423-9548 1 AKC Reg Dachshund mlnla-tures show quality 423-4998 BEAUTIFUL Siberian husky puppies AKC registration 395-358j CHIHUAHUA Toy Manchester puppies 7 wks 395- 2962 eves cross female shots 21 mo only $15 395 2054 FEMALE Samoyed 11 mos shots $75 728-2236 Clatskanie GUINEA pigs $150 ea 6 weeks old all colors 395-6757 IRISH Setter -Black Labrador puppies Vader 295-3570 'MALTESE TOY POODLES' 425-3944 MUST sell male AKC St Bernard 5 months permanent shots $75 225-6805 ONE yr old Bassett shots $50 Rainier 556-4696 after 5 PEKE PUPPIES 423-0323 PET pickup- del serv by appt only teas 425-6030 PUPPIES S5 each part Pom-Wlrehalr Terrier 423-5849 PUPS Golden Retriever 14 Lab 423-3384 eves SHELTI-POMS 7 weeks small smart $1450 395-2054 SIAMESE KITTENS 423-3354 NINE-WEEK-OLD half Golden Retriever-Lab puppies $15 421 Nevada Drive 423-1367 YORKSHIRE terriers Scotties Welsh Corgles (Pembrooks) English setters Waldorf Ken nels Vancouver 693-1992 ALDAGLEN KENNELS BOARDING Reasonable rates AKC Sheltie or Dachshund stud service reas 395-2054 STUD STERVICE co*cker Boodle Pups Maltese Youngheart Kennels 423-9291 MINI-PUPS BOARDING KRIS KENNELS 1245 Coal Creek Rd 425-6030 Pett to Give Away 173 Part Collie Pups 393-6903 THREE JCut little kittens housebroken need hew homes 423-6033 Livestock 175 Bacon-type weaner pigs -1 274-6122 BURRO $45 one unslieared sheep $20 849-2268 Cathlamet CH EHALIS LIVESTOCK MARKET: Now starting our second vear of service Sale every Friday at 1:00 Horse sale on 2nd Sunday Col Nelson Owner 748-3191 Dwain Nelson Auctioneer 783-3689 EWE AND LAMB 393-6661 FAIR prices paid for all cattle Martin Ward 6 to 9 am or eves 636-1198 GENTLE milking cows heifers calves 274-6122 GENTLE fresh Jersey cow A WF calf $175 registered WF cow $225 425-4786 GOOD fresh Holstein cow for sale Cathlamet 795-4429 Vern Northness 423-1954 I BUY HAUL SELL or TRADE livestock of all kinds Licensed and bonded dealer LIVESTOCK bought and sold! Buck Parrish 423-054 1 LONGVIEW MEAT CO LOCKER MEATS Custom slaughtering Tuesdays cutting wrapping and freezing Pickup and delivery service 530 Tennant Way 423-1880 ONE WF cow bred 5 years old $175 425-5087 WEANER pigs bacon type 395-4905 908 Willow Kelso THREE bedroom laiinirl alor-UK 423-7 1 10 THREE Iwdruuma tleilrlu heL 4JV 1 163 THREE bedroom lurnait heal II 10 mo 423 3750 OVERLOOKING golf course: 8 bedroom fireplace 2 bath elec furnace alshwaahrr A diapual double garage 1135 LONGVIEW MORTGAGE CO 425-1270 Furnithod Apartmonti 183 A dean 1 bedroomNT Kelso $53' water A garbage pd 636- A cloae In 1 bedroom apt Adull 423-7700 A COZY clean bachalor apt 423-2193 after ALL elec $50 Hollywood Court Apia 1316 11th Apt 1 A'LL elec 1 bdrm adult no pet 423-01177 APTS furn or unfurn heat-wnter-garhnge paid adulti only 423-52(0 APTS (paclouK utINtles pd weekiymorttJl(ij-7795 (1ACHELOR and 1 bedroom apt roomy newly painted heat water gnrbaga pd washing faclllile Hlackstona Apt 1503 20th 423-7780 apt utilities paid $33 302 17th J393-2047 CLEAN l'bdrm nil" utllltle pd except range 006 Lincoln 6th Kelso CLEAN 3 room bachelor apt in Kelso $70 423-1816 DOWNTOWN Longview apt and aleeplng roomsi425-6140 EVERYTHING necessary In this beautifully appointed duplex-type two atory on bedroom apartment In the exclusive Huntington Plenty of atorage spae in basem*nt Open on patio and lawn Fret Cable TV Private entrance to street and carport Prestige address 1956 Larch Rents for $16750 Phone 423-1176 for appoint- ment KELSO downtown 3 rooms heatwater pd $55 393-9194 NEW apartment for rent 2 bdrms drapes carpet A carport 425-6348 NEW Columbia Irui Motel Kalama TV AC $5 A up NEW 1 bedroom apt carpet drapes appliances water A garbage pd furn or unfurn 1150 16th 423-9518 NEWLY decorated 1 bedroom all utilities pd 423-1835 NICE bachelor apt older or retired person preferred $55 lnqJ585 Alabama or425-7911 OLD Virginia guest cottage 725 Hudson Apt 1 OR UNFURN 1 bedroom 2nd Door clean heat A water paid quiet Adults 393-3211 SUNSET 3 room furn apt 1 bedroom 1338 21st Lv 423-7140 ONE bedroom apt all electric carport 423-4960 130 Indus trial Way ONE bedroom all'utiiltleFpild! 32 Cal If Way 425-2380 ONE bedroom modest priced apartments 423-7100 ONE bedroom apartments 304 -20thLongview ONE bdrm close to town heat water A garbage pd Laundry fac adults no pets 425-1537 ONE bedroom upstairs duplex $125 with 12th month free $20 cleaning deposit water garbage paid washing facilities elec neat parking area Kartes Real Estate 393-5590 TWO bedroom trailer for rent 423-7100 TWO room furn apt steam heat linents TV util by week or month Motel 4th and Main Kelso TWO bdrm $70 downtown Lv parking avail 423-6477 SYLVAN LODGE 1801 Hudson 423-0182 423-5379 Unfurnithed Aptt 184 AAA 1 bedroom refrig range garage garbage paid nice lawn $6750 425-6026 See Mgr 3024 Wash Way A 1 2 bedroom month appliances carports carpeted adults no pets 423-2272 423-1672 A-l 2 bedroom carpets drapes appliances water garbage carport $105 395-1165 425-4384 A 2 bedroom In 4-plex ww carpet range refrig washing facilities water garbage pd 395-2654 APTS New 1 2 3 bedrooms off street parking for each unit exc sound proofing sun-deck dishwasher garbage disposal range refrig drapes carpeting thruout Furn units also 423-2437 636-0964 425-3693 AVAIL June 12 1 bedroom Side carpeting drapes appliances laundry facilities storage carport Cableview adults no pets 423-6854 by appt AVAILABLE now 2 bedroom unfurn apt rang refrig 1 block from downtown Kalama Ready June 15 1 bedroom completely furn apt Kalama 673-4180 CLEAN 2 bedroom 4-plex carpets drapes appliances $105 4- dep no pets 395-2453 CLOSE to town 1 bedroom adults $65 425-5730 eves CONVENIENTLY located two bedroom apt wallwall carpets drapes colored appliances fireplace free laundry facilities carport and large storage area No pets 423-0602 DOWNTOWN 1 bedroom car-pet stove refrig $65 Wllllch Agency 423-7740! DUPLEX 20th near park 2 bedrooms fireplace elec heat range garage $U0 4254)965 FASCINATING ACTIVITY!" First floor view apartment in Kalama 2 bedrooms free laundry facilities Overlooks Columbia River Reasonable Phone Kalama 673-4533 KELSO 1640 Minor Road four-plex carpeted appliances drapes $105 deposit Cal Win-ne Agency 423-1311 KELSO Hill 2 bedroom carpeted dining area fireplace drapes appliances washing facilities water-garbage pd off-street parking 636-0241 LARGE 2 bedroom covered deck all appliances carpets $140 adults Inq 1150 or 1162 1 8th Apt 1 Lv LUXURY 2 bedroom spacious rooms and closets Blackstone Apts 20th Louisiana 423-7780 NEW 2 bedroom beautiful view garage 393-4151 NEW 1 bedroom range refrig carpet drapes elec fireplace 423-9518 NEW 2 bedroom 1651 Fir fireplaces ww carpet appliances drapes water garbage cable TV pd Ample parking storage per month reduction for leases 425-2046 NEW 2 and 3 bedroom apts for rent- Range refrig dishwasher water A garbage paid 700 Academy St Kelso see Manager Apt 4 NEW 1 bedroom range refrig carpet $80 1620 11th Ave Apt 7 NEW 2 bedroom fireplace appliances free utilities 423-3579 CFNTlK grula mare bred to reg quarterhore 421 1172 HORSlS for kale 42341117 HORSESHOEING Norm Harrla Ktlto 393-7712 LARGE Shetland mar and yearllngjroll $70 423 1442 LIVELY plnTo mar A 2 yr old plnlo stud 313 6676 PAPERED 3 ytar old H-Arablnn filly ft Arab mar 673-476" REG Arab griding 3 year well etarted Wtaiern experienced rider only $J30 423-3637 SHETLAND punlea all i-olort 27441272 SIX ytar old 4 (Juarterhora mare trained cutting hone $300 3 year old Reg American Saddlebred mare $300 year old Shttland gelding gentle halier broke $100 LaCcn- ter 263-2260 Lv 423-278 STALLION SERVICE Purebred Arahlnn No 31218 Excellent blood linn conformation dlipoaltlnn Guaranteed live foal Ire mare care Long Beach Wath 6 12-2339 TWO well-trained 3 yr old geld-Inga aplrlled quiet for women or children: 2 bred mares Sire: Count Eernan Reg Arab 2 yr Alrelyn pony Fred Ball Rt 2 Box 2l2 Rainier Ore 97048 Beaver Spring Rd 536-7374 Three Qnarterhorse 1 Arm-loosa gentle well broke 6o6-7223 Rslnler WELSH ehetland mere gentle but not broke $50 or trde for calf 393-5062 WILL break hore also Hell guaranteed horse Buck Parrish 423-0541 Brooding Stock 177 A reg Hereford It Angus bull rvlce1423-6838 425-0848 "appaloosa' STUD SERVICE good color 395-0394 REGk Palomino Shetland ttud service 423-7414 REGISTERED Welsh stallion service 673-4838 Kalama REG Hereford and Reg Scotch Highland bull service 423-7446 Rentals Furnithod Houses 181 BACHELOR APT $55 423-0273 DUPLEX Kelso 4 room water pd garage $85 393-9194 KELSO duplex 3 bdrm water pd garage $123 393-9194 SMALL house adults $30 274-8857after 4Inq 608 3rd ONE It two bedroom mobile homes for rent on location 423-7100 TWO bedroom adults preferred 423-8861 TWO bedroom duplex with TWO 1 bedroom houses gas equipped with showers one $60 In Kelso one $83 In Longview 636-1429 llnfurnithed Houses 182 ALL electric 2 bedroom duplex no dogs deposit $85 917 17th 425-6704 BIG 3 bdrm dbl garage Days 10-4 423-6473 3651 48th CARPETED front room fireplace large 2 bedroom $110 mo plus deposit must have ref 423-6958 after 5 CASTLE ROCK Nearly new 2 bedroom duplex carpet electric heat water and garbage paid washing facilities parking area $10350 with 12th month free $20 cleaning deposit Kartes Real Estate 393-5390 CASTLE ROCK Quiet country setting with view large 2 bedroom 4-plex 10 steps to upper level private entrance to each unit water pd carport storage 8 ml from Kelso behind Walsh Motel near Spirit Lake exit $85 636-2098 CLEAN 2 bedroom duplex 1051 dep 423-8665 EAST Kelso Hill: 4 bedroom 134 baths large living and dining rooms 18x18 master bedroom 1 wall solid mirror an executive home 2 car garage 2 car carport $200 mo or lease 892-2252 Vancouver EXTRA large 2 bedroom large fenced yard near schools $100 636-4139 after 6:30 FOR lease 2 bedroom 310 18th References FOR lease avail July 1 4 bedrooms 234 baths block from Northlake school $185 Refs required 423-2439 FOR LEASE: Avail June 15 country location new 4 bedroom 2 baths range dishwasher 2 fireplaces drapes large recreation room double garage $200 395-2092 FOR lease lovely 2 bedroom house elec heat enclosed yard Kelso $95 393-1745 after 4 pm KELSO hill nearly new 2 bedroom duplex carpet living room drapes range and refrig elec heat water and garbage paid carport $115 with 12 th month free $20 cleaning deposit Kartes Real Estate 393-5590 LARGE 3 bedroom 2 baths stove refrig $110 357 20th NEAR new 3 bedrooms 2 full baths range disposal lots of closets large garage CVG $150 plus deposit 423-6585 NEW 3 bedroom electric heat fireplace double garage $13760 425-5394 NEW 3 bedroom 2 baths dbl garage range disposal $165 plus dep 423-6585 NEW 3 bedroom duplex garage 393-4151 NEW 3 bedroom 114 baths hardwood floors elec range dble garage 2 blks to Riverside Pk avail May 1 $140 deposit 393-1332 or Inquire 134 Lexington Ave NEWER 2 bedroom all elec du plex Nor thK elso 6 36-02 7 6J NEWLY decorated 2 bedroom duplex heat water paid adults ref req 425-1537 NEWLY painted 2 bedroom duplex elecheat $75 4234)476 ONE bedroom stove $45 Robbins Realty 423-4780 ONE bedroom nearly new downstairs duplex range and refrig elec heat parking area $90 with 12th month free $20 cleaning deposit Kartes Real Estate 393-5590 ONE bedroom gas heat 285 19th $55 423-6174 ONE bedroom duplex nicely furnished elec heat fireplace 423-7447 ONE bedroom 66014 17th $30 plusdeposit425-2923 ONE bedroorti house refrigerator stove 636-0766 TWO bedroom duplex $70 mo elec heat carport 423-0212 Display The Class of '68 Want if' OPEL! Start YOUR Grad out Right! Opel is the hands-down favorite of the younger set! She's got pep groovy lines and she gets up to 30 miles per gallon And best of all delivered in Longview Opel starts at Buck 1300 Vandercook Way 1.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.