Lediga jobb - Offentliga Jobb (2024)


"Eskilstuna kommun, Kultur- och fritidsförvaltningen"

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Lediga jobb - Offentliga Jobb (1)

Norrbottens län Västerbottens län Västernorrlands län Jämtlands län Dalarnas län Gävleborgs län Värmlands län Örebro län västmanlands-län Uppsala län stockholms-län Södermanlands län Västra götalands län Östergötlands län Hallands län Jönköpings län Kronobergs län Kalmar län Gotlands län Blekinge län Skåne län

"); } function areaOut(county) { $(".countyHover#" + county).remove(); } function areaClick(county) { if ($(".countySelected#" + county).length == 0) { $(".layers").append("

"); $("input:checkbox#" + $('input[value="' + county.toLowerCase() + '"]').attr('id').replace('name-', '')).parent().find('input:checkbox').prop('checked', true); $.when(true) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { checkParameters(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); } else { $(".countySelected#" + county).remove(); $("input:checkbox#" + $('input[value="' + county.toLowerCase() + '"]').attr('id').replace('name-', '')).parent().find('input:checkbox').prop('checked', false); $.when(true) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { checkParameters(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); } } function checkParameters() { if (nrOfParameters > maxNrOfParameters) { disableSearch(); } else { enableSearch(); } } function enableSearch() { $('.toManySearchParameters').hide(); $('.nrOfJobs').show(); } function disableSearch() { $('.toManySearchParameters').show(); $('.nrOfJobs').hide(); } function getEmployerName() { employername = ""; var str = $(".hiddenemployername").val(); if (str.length > 0) { employername = "/employer-name" + "_" + str; } } function getKeywords() { keywords = ""; extendedsearch = ""; var allKeywords = $(".hiddenkeywords").val().toString().split("|"); for (var i in allKeywords) { if (allKeywords[i] != "") { if (keywords.length == 0) { keywords += "/"; keywords += allKeywords[i]; } else { keywords += "_"; keywords += allKeywords[i]; } nrOfParameters++; } } if (extendedSearch == 1) { extendedsearch = "?wt=1"; } } // get choosen employmentgrades function getEmploymentGrades() { employmentgrades = ""; employmentGradeUrlParameters = ""; $('input:checkbox[id*=eg]:checked').each(function () { if (employmentgrades == "") employmentgrades += $(this).val().split("eg").toString().replace(",", ""); else employmentgrades += "," + $(this).val().split("eg").toString().replace(",", ""); if (employmentGradeUrlParameters.length == 0) employmentGradeUrlParameters += "/"; if (employmentGradeUrlParameters.length > 1) employmentGradeUrlParameters += "_"; employmentGradeUrlParameters += $('#name-' + $(this).val()).val(); nrOfParameters++; }); } // get choosen employmenttypes function getEmploymentTypes() { employmenttypes = ""; employmentTypeUrlParameters = ""; $('input:checkbox[id*=et]:checked').each(function () { if (employmenttypes == "") employmenttypes += $(this).val().split("et").toString().replace(",", ""); else employmenttypes += "," + $(this).val().split("et").toString().replace(",", ""); if (employmentTypeUrlParameters.length == 0) employmentTypeUrlParameters += "/"; if (employmentTypeUrlParameters.length > 1) employmentTypeUrlParameters += "_"; employmentTypeUrlParameters += $('#name-' + $(this).val()).val(); nrOfParameters++; }); } // Get choosen industries function getIndustries() { industries = $("select#industry").val(); industryParameters = ""; if (industries == undefined) industries = ''; if (industries != "") { var allIndustries = industries.toString().split(","); industryParameters = ""; for (var i in allIndustries) { if (industryParameters.length == 0) industryParameters += "/"; if (industryParameters.length > 1) industryParameters += "_"; industryParameters += $('#name-' + allIndustries[i]).val(); nrOfParameters++; } } } // get choosen geo data function getGeo() { counties = ""; municipalities = ""; geoUrlParameters = ""; $(".countySelected").remove(); $('input:checkbox[id*=cy]:checked').each(function () { if (this.checked) { // mark choosen counties on map var county = $('input[type=hidden]#' + 'name-' + $(this).val()).val(); $(".layers").append("

"); // How many municipalies in this county var nrOfChildren = 0; $(this).parent('li').find('input:checkbox[id*=my]').each(function () { nrOfChildren++; }); // How many checked municipalies in this county var nrOfCheckedChildren = 0; $(this).parent('li').find('input:checkbox[id*=my]:checked').each(function () { nrOfCheckedChildren++; }); // if all municipalities is checked add county if (nrOfChildren == nrOfCheckedChildren && nrOfChildren > 0) { if (counties == "") counties += $(this).val().split("cy").toString().replace(",", ""); else counties += "," + $(this).val().split("cy").toString().replace(",", ""); if (geoUrlParameters.length == 0) geoUrlParameters += "/"; if (geoUrlParameters.length > 1) geoUrlParameters += "_"; geoUrlParameters += $('#name-' + $(this).val()).val(); nrOfParameters++; } // add checked municipalities else { $(this).parent('li').find('input:checkbox[id*=my]:checked').each(function () { if (municipalities == "") municipalities += $(this).val().split("my").toString().replace(",", ""); else municipalities += "," + $(this).val().split("my").toString().replace(",", ""); if (geoUrlParameters.length == 0) geoUrlParameters += "/"; if (geoUrlParameters.length > 1) geoUrlParameters += "_"; geoUrlParameters += $('#name-' + $(this).val()).val(); nrOfParameters++; }); } } }); } function getOccupations() { occupations = ""; occupationsUrlParameters = ""; $('input:checkbox[id*=oc]:checked').each(function () { if (this.checked) { //Count number of children var nrOfChildren = 0; $(this).parent('li').find('input:checkbox[id*=oc]').not('[value="' + $(this).val() + '"]').each(function () { nrOfChildren++; }); //Count number of checked children var nrOfCheckedChildren = 0; $(this).parent('li').find('input:checkbox[id*=oc]:checked').not('[value="' + $(this).val() + '"]').each(function () { nrOfCheckedChildren++; }); //If all children is checked add this if (nrOfChildren == nrOfCheckedChildren && nrOfChildren > 0) { if (occupations == "") occupations += $(this).val().split("oc").toString().replace(",", ""); else occupations += "," + $(this).val().split("oc").toString().replace(",", ""); if (occupationsUrlParameters.length == 0) occupationsUrlParameters += "/"; if (occupationsUrlParameters.length > 1) occupationsUrlParameters += "_"; occupationsUrlParameters += $('#name-' + $(this).val()).val(); nrOfParameters++; } //Else add all checked children else { $(this).parent('li').find('input:checkbox[id*=oc]:checked').not('[value="' + $(this).val() + '"]').each(function () { if (occupations == "") occupations += $(this).val().split("oc").toString().replace(",", ""); else occupations += "," + $(this).val().split("oc").toString().replace(",", ""); if (occupationsUrlParameters.length == 0) occupationsUrlParameters += "/"; if (occupationsUrlParameters.length > 1) occupationsUrlParameters += "_"; occupationsUrlParameters += $('#name-' + $(this).val()).val(); nrOfParameters++; }); } } }); } function NumberOfAssignments() { var keywords = $(".hiddenkeywords").val(); var employerNamesLike = $(".hiddenemployername").val(); if (occupations == "" && counties == "" && municipalities == "" && industries == "" && employmentgrades == "" && employmenttypes == "" && keywords == "") nrOfJobs = "0"; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/Services/AssignmentSearch.asmx/NumberOfAssignments", data: "{occupationClassification: '" + "', occupationClassificationIncludeChildren: '" + occupations + "', counties: '" + counties + "', municipalities: '" + municipalities + "' , industries: '" + industries + "', employmentgrades: '" + employmentgrades + "', employmenttypes: '" + employmenttypes + "', keywords: '" + keywords + "', extendedSearch: '" + extendedSearch + "', employerName: '" + employerNamesLike + "' }", dataType: "json", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json" }, success: function (data) { nrOfJobs = data.d; // Update number of jobs text $('.nrOfJobs').html(nrOfJobs + " annonser"); }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { // Something went wrong } }); } function getURLParameter(name) { return decodeURI( (RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(location.search) || [, null])[1] ); } function htmlEntities(str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); } $(document).ready(function () { $('input[type="checkbox"]').attr('role', 'checkbox'); $('#ctl00_cphBody_ucSearch_hdfKeywords').addClass('hiddenkeywords'); $('#ctl00_cphBody_ucSearch_hdfEmployername').addClass('hiddenemployername'); $(".advancedSearchBox").on("click", ".clearButton", function () { //Clear fields $("input:checkbox").prop('checked', false); $(".keywords .keyword").remove(); $(".keywords .employername").remove(); $(".hiddenkeywords").val(""); $(".hiddenemployername").val(""); $(".txtKeyword").val(""); setUrl(); checkParameters(); NumberOfAssignments(); }); jQuery.fn.center = function () { this.css("position", "absolute"); this.css("top", Math.max(0, (($(window).height() - this.outerHeight()) / 2) + $(window).scrollTop()) + "px"); this.css("left", Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - this.outerWidth()) / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft()) + "px"); return this; }; // Center map on load $('#modalWindow').center(); //center map on scroll $(window).scroll(function () { $('#modalWindow').center(); }); //Center map on resize $(window).resize(function () { $('#modalWindow').center(); }); // Check if 'Search in whole text' should be checked if (getURLParameter("wt") == "1") { $('.extendedSearchBox input').prop('checked', 'checked'); } //show map $(".country").on('click', '.countryButton', function () { $('#modalWindow').show().focus(); $('#modalBackground').show(); }); // Hide map $(".advancedSearchBox").on('click', '#modalBackground', function () { $('#modalWindow').hide(); $('#modalBackground').hide(); }); $("#modalWindow").on('click', '.close', function () { $('#modalWindow').hide(); $('#modalBackground').hide(); }); $(".mapContainer").on('click', '.done', function () { $('#modalWindow').hide(); $('#modalBackground').hide(); }); $('#modalWindow').keyup(function (e) { if (e.key == "Escape") { $('#modalWindow').hide(); $('#modalBackground').hide(); $('.country.countryButton').focus(); } }); // If sector should be shown var showSector; if (false) { showSector = true; } else { showSector = false; } // Check children of checked occupation classifications $('input:checkbox[id*=oc]:checked').each(function () { if (this.checked) { $(this).parent('li').find('input:checkbox[id*=oc]').not('input[value*="' + $(this).val() + '"]').each(function () { $(this).prop('checked', 'checked'); }); } }); // Check parent of checked occupation classifications $('input:checkbox[id*=oc]:checked').each(function () { if (this.checked) { $(this).parent('li').parent('ul').parent('li').find('input:checkbox[id*=oc]').not('li.leaf > input').each(function () { $(this).prop('checked', 'checked'); }); } }); setUrl(); //Get number of avaiable jobs NumberOfAssignments(); // Occupation Classification changed $(".advancedSearchBoxMiddle").on('click', 'input:checkbox[id*=oc]', function () { $.when(true) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { checkParameters(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); }); // Counties changed $(".country").on('click', 'input:checkbox[id*=cy]', function () { $.when(true) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { checkParameters(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); }); //// Counties municipalities $(".country").on('click', 'input:checkbox[id*=my]', function () { $.when(true) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { checkParameters(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); }); if (showSector) { $("#industry").multiselect({ header: false, noneSelectedText: "Bransch", selectedList: 99 }); } else { $("#industry").hide(); } $("#industry").on('click', 'input:checkbox[id*=ui-multiselect-industry]', function () { $.when(true) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { checkParameters(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); }); $("#EmploymentGrade").on('click', 'input:checkbox[id*=eg]', function () { $.when(true) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { checkParameters(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); }); $("#EmploymentType").on('click', 'input:checkbox[id*=et]', function () { $.when(true) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { checkParameters(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); }); $('.extendedSearchBox').on('click', "input", function () { $.when(true) .then(function () { extendedSearch = ($('.extendedSearchBox input').is(':checked')) ? 1 : 0; }) .then(function () { setUrl(); }) .then(function () { NumberOfAssignments(); }); }); $('.txtKeyword').keyup(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); $(".addKeyword").trigger("click"); } }); $(".advancedSearchBoxMiddle").on("click", ".addKeyword", function () { var keyWord = $(".txtKeyword").val(); keyWord = keyWord.split("%").join("%5b" + "%".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split(".").join("%5b" + ".".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("/").join("%5b" + "/".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("<").join("%5b" + "<".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split(">").join("%5b" + ">".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split(":").join("%5b" + ":".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split(";").join("%5b" + ";".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split(",").join("%5b" + ",".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("*").join("%5b" + "*".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("?").join("%5b" + "?".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("_").join("%5b" + "_".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("&").join("%5b" + "&".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("-").join("%5b" + "-".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("+").join("%5b" + "%20".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("(").join("%5b" + "(".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split(")").join("%5b" + ")".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split("'").join("%5b" + "'".charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); keyWord = keyWord.split('"').join("%5b" + '"'.charCodeAt(0) + "%5d"); // Remove invalid charcters keyWord = keyWord.replace(/[^a-zA-ZåöÅÖæøÆØäÄéá 0-9 %]+/g, ''); // Trim keyWord = keyWord.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); // If no valid characters left if (keyWord == "") { $(".txtKeyword").val(""); return; } $(".keywords").append("

" + '"' + htmlEntities($(".txtKeyword").val()) + '"' + "

"); $(".txtKeyword").val(""); var str = ""; $(".keywords .keyword #hidden").each(function () { if (str == "") str += $(this).val(); else str += "_" + $(this).val(); }); $(".hiddenkeywords").val(str); $(this).addClass('click'); var hej = setTimeout(function () { fadeOut('.addKeyword'); }, 100); setUrl(); checkParameters(); NumberOfAssignments(); }); function fadeOut(cssClass) { $(cssClass).removeClass('click'); } $(".employername").on("click", ".remove", function () { $(this).addClass('click'); var hej = setTimeout(function () { $('.remove.click').closest('.employername').remove(); $(".hiddenemployername").val(""); setUrl(); checkParameters(); NumberOfAssignments(); }, 100); }); function removeKeyword() { var hej = setTimeout(function () { $('.remove.click').closest('.keyword').remove(); var str = ""; $(".keywords .keyword #hidden").each(function () { if (str == "") str += $(this).val(); else str += " " + $(this).val(); }); $(".hiddenkeywords").val(str); setUrl(); checkParameters(); NumberOfAssignments(); }, 100); } $('.keywords').on('keyup', '.remove', function (e) { if (e.key == "Enter") { $(this).addClass('click'); removeKeyword(); } }); $(".keywords").on("click", ".remove", function () { $(this).addClass('click'); removeKeyword() }); $('.assignment-row td:nth-child(n+2)').click(function (element) { if ($(element.target).hasClass('star')) { return; } var adLink = $(this).parent().data('href'); window.open(adLink, '_blank'); }); $('.assignment-description').keydown(function (e) { if (e.key == "Enter") { var adLink = $(e.currentTarget).closest('tr').data('href'); window.open(adLink, '_blank'); } }); });

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Eskilstuna kommun, Kultur- och fritidsförvaltningen Danslärare till Eskilstuna kulturskola
Som danslärare hos oss arbetar du med dans för att inspirera och stimulera barn och ungas förmåga att uttrycka känslor, tankar och idéer genom dans samt öva upp deras rytmkänsla och förmåga att förmedla dansglädje.I rollen förväntas du framförallt att:• Undervisa barn och unga i Kulturskolans kurser inom dansstilarna dansmix, streetjazz och hiphop.• Du kommer tillsammans med UngFritid hålla i aktivitet för tjejer i högstadiet (Tjejhäng).• Tillsammans med danskollegor samarbeta samt handleda elevgrupper i projekt och produktioner från idé t...
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Lediga jobb - Offentliga Jobb (2024)


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Article information

Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5917

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.