40+ Flowers That Start With L - Explore These Lovely Blooms - Agrometeorology (2024)

You’ll love this list of over 40 flowers that start with L. It shows how many different kinds of flowers nature has.

Let’s get started.

1. Lantana

Lantana’s vibrant clusters of small flowers transform gardens into a kaleidoscope of color. This hardy plant thrives in full sun, attracting butterflies and hummingbirds with its nectar-rich blooms. Easy to care for, lantana is a fantastic choice for gardeners seeking long-lasting summer color.

Lantana can change color as it matures. A single cluster may feature multiple hues, adding a dynamic quality to its visual appeal.

2. Lavender

Lavender is celebrated for its fragrant purple spikes and serene beauty. Ideal for borders, herb gardens, or as a standalone statement piece, it’s a must-have for those who appreciate both aesthetics and utility. Lavender’s calming scent is a natural relaxant, making it a popular choice for creating a tranquil garden retreat.

Lavender oil is known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a staple in aromatherapy and homemade skincare products.

If you are keeping them in your garden, check out some safe and reliable way to treat them with natural herbicides.

3. Lilac

The sweet scent of lilac blooms is a herald of spring. These lush bushes, with their heart-shaped leaves and clusters of pastel flowers, can elevate any space. Lilacs are a symbol of first love and make for stunning, fragrant bouquets.

Lilacs belong to the olive family, Oleaceae, which might surprise those who associate them solely with their ornamental value.

4. Lily

Lilies are elegant flowers that command attention wherever they grow. With a range of colors and patterns, these perennials are a centerpiece of mid-summer gardens. They’re versatile, thriving in borders, containers, and as cut flowers in stunning arrangements.

The lily is a flower of many meanings, symbolizing purity and refined beauty, with each color carrying its own significance.

5. Lily of the Valley

This delicate, shade-loving perennial is known for its sweetly scented, bell-shaped white flowers. Lily of the Valley adds a touch of elegance to shadowed garden corners, spreading to form beautiful ground cover.

Despite its innocent appearance, Lily of the Valley is highly poisonous if ingested, a surprising contrast to its dainty blooms.

6. Lobelia

Vibrant lobelia flowers bring life to any garden with their striking blue, white, or pink petals. Perfect for hanging baskets, window boxes, or as a ground cover, they offer a cascading or upright growth habit that complements any garden design. Lobelia’s intense color attracts a host of pollinators, making it a bustling hub of activity.

Interestingly, certain types of lobelia have been used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory conditions, showcasing the plant’s versatility beyond its ornamental appeal.

7. Lotus

The lotus is revered for its resilience and ability to bloom above murky waters, symbolizing purity and enlightenment. Its large, fragrant flowers and broad floating leaves are a focal point in water gardens or ponds. The plant plays a significant role in various cultural and religious traditions around the world.

Each lotus seed can remain viable for hundreds of years, the oldest recorded germination being from a 1,300-year-old seed, highlighting the lotus’s incredible longevity.

8. Lupine

Lupines are a spectacle with their tall, colorful spikes that tower above the garden in early summer. They’re a favorite in wildflower gardens for their range of hues and ability to improve soil fertility by fixing nitrogen. Lupines are particularly striking when planted in masses or as part of a mixed border.

A unique aspect of lupines is their ability to thrive in poor or sandy soils, where other plants might struggle, making them a gardener’s ally in challenging landscapes.

9. Larkspur

Larkspur, with its tall spikes of blue, pink, purple, or white flowers, adds an elegant vertical element to gardens. This annual is loved for its lush, feathery foliage and dramatic blooms that make for stunning cut flowers. Larkspur is often associated with feelings of affection and a strong bond of love.

The name “larkspur” is derived from the shape of the flowers, where parts of the bloom resemble the spur of a lark’s foot, showcasing nature’s playful design.

10. Leucanthemum

Known commonly as the Shasta daisy, Leucanthemum boasts pristine white petals surrounding a sunny yellow center. These perennials are a staple in summer gardens, offering a classic look that pairs well with nearly any other plant. They’re also robust, withstanding various garden challenges while maintaining their cheerful disposition.

An interesting note about Shasta daisies is their creation by Luther Burbank, who aimed to design a perfect daisy, blending the best qualities of several species into one superlative flower.

11. Lisianthus

Lisianthus flowers charm onlookers with their delicate, ruffled petals and range of soft, pastel colors. Often mistaken for roses or peonies, they bring elegance to any arrangement or garden. Their long vase life makes them a favorite among cut flowers, adding a touch of sophistication and grace.

What’s fascinating about lisianthus is their symbol of appreciation and gratitude, making them a thoughtful gift in bouquets. Originating from the American prairies, they’re surprisingly tough despite their delicate appearance.

12. Love-in-a-mist

With its whimsical name, Love-in-a-mist enchants with feathery foliage and unique, mist-surrounded flowers. The blooms, nestled within a cloud of lacy bracts, range from blue and purple to white and pink. This annual is as intriguing in the garden as it is in floral arrangements, where its seed pods also add a decorative touch.

The seed pods of Love-in-a-mist are highly valued in dried floral crafts, retaining their shape and adding texture and interest to compositions long after the blooming season has ended.

13. Love-lies-bleeding

Love-lies-bleeding, also known as Amaranthus, features striking tassels of deep red or burgundy flowers that drape elegantly from its branches. This dramatic plant adds a bold, architectural element to gardens and arrangements. It’s not only visually captivating but also a symbol of undying love and attention.

Amaranthus seeds, including those from Love-lies-bleeding, are edible and nutritious, rich in protein, and have been cultivated as a grain crop for thousands of years.

14. Lady’s Mantle

Lady’s Mantle is a perennial favorite for its soft, scalloped leaves that catch and sparkle with morning dew. Its subtle, chartreuse flowers add a light, airy touch to garden borders and floral designs. The plant is a staple in cottage gardens, appreciated for its hardiness and low-maintenance nature.

The leaves of Lady’s Mantle have been used in traditional herbal remedies, particularly for women’s ailments, reflecting the protective and nurturing symbolism of its name.

15. Lady’s Slipper Orchid

The Lady’s Slipper Orchid is a rare and exotic beauty, known for its striking, slipper-shaped blooms. This orchid variety captivates with its unique form and vibrant colors, making it a prized specimen in botanical collections. They require specific growing conditions, mirroring their natural woodland habitats.

Conservation efforts for Lady’s Slipper Orchids are significant, as some species are endangered and protected by law, highlighting the importance of preserving natural biodiversity.

16. Lamb’s Ear

Lamb’s Ear is cherished for its soft, fuzzy foliage that feels just like a lamb’s ear to the touch. The silver-green leaves add a tactile and visual contrast to garden designs. While its purple flowers are less showy, the plant’s texture makes it a favorite among children and adults alike.

Historically, Lamb’s Ear leaves were used as a natural bandage due to their softness and antiseptic properties, showcasing the plant’s practical applications beyond its ornamental value.

17. Langsdorffia

Langsdorffia, a lesser-known but fascinating plant, thrives as a root parasite, drawing nutrients from the roots of other plants. Its intriguing appearance, with rare blooms and a lack of conventional leaves, makes it a subject of interest among botanists. These plants are a marvel of the plant kingdom, showcasing the diversity of survival strategies in nature.

The rarity and unique ecological role of Langsdorffia underscore the complexity of plant interactions and the importance of conserving diverse habitats.

18. Lapeirousia

Lapeirousia is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family, known for its striking, colorful flowers that can make a dramatic statement in any garden where they can grow successfully. Often found in South Africa, these plants prefer well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight. The delicate beauty of Lapeirousia flowers, combined with their unique shape, adds an exotic flair.

The diverse colors and patterns of Lapeirousia blooms are highly valued by gardeners looking to add a touch of the extraordinary to their floral arrangements.

19. Laurel

Laurel, often associated with victory and honor, is a broad term that encompasses several plant species. These evergreen shrubs or trees are known for their glossy, dark green leaves and are widely used in landscaping for hedging or topiaries. The aromatic leaves of certain laurel species are used as bay leaves in cooking, adding flavor to dishes.

In ancient times, laurel wreaths were symbols of triumph and were awarded to victors in athletic competitions, a practice that still influences modern cultural references to achievement.

20. Lavatera

Lavatera, or tree mallow, enchants with its large, showy blooms that cover the plant from early summer to fall. These fast-growing shrubs or annuals are perfect for adding a splash of color to the garden with minimal effort. Lavatera flowers, resembling hibiscus, come in shades of pink, white, and purple, attracting pollinators.

An interesting aspect of Lavatera is its rapid growth, making it an excellent choice for gardeners who want to achieve an established look in a short period.

21. Leatherflower

Leatherflower, belonging to the Clematis genus, offers intriguing, bell-shaped flowers with a leathery texture. These vining plants add vertical interest to gardens, climbing trellises, fences, and other supports with ease. The unique appearance of their flowers, ranging from deep purples to soft blues, makes them a favorite among garden enthusiasts.

The resilience and climbing habit of Leatherflower make it a versatile addition, capable of transforming spaces into lush, vertical gardens.

22. Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm, a member of the mint family, is cherished for its lemon-scented leaves that can be used in teas, culinary dishes, and as a natural mosquito repellent. This easy-to-grow herb spreads readily and can become a fragrant, bushy addition to the garden.

Lemon Balm is also known for its calming properties, often used in herbal remedies to reduce stress and improve sleep.

23. Leopard’s Bane

Leopard’s Bane, known for its bright, daisy-like yellow flowers, is a herald of spring. This perennial is part of the Arnica genus and thrives in partial shade, making it a vibrant addition to woodland gardens. Its cheerful blooms not only light up the garden but also attract early pollinators.

Historically, Leopard’s Bane was used in folk medicine, believed to heal bruises and soothe pains, which is a testament to the plant’s enduring appeal beyond its aesthetic value.

24. Lewisia

Lewisia, bearing the name of explorer Meriwether Lewis, showcases stunning rosettes of succulent leaves and star-shaped flowers in a rainbow of colors. These alpine beauties prefer well-drained soil and are perfect for rock gardens or as part of a succulent collection. Their resilience and low-water needs make them a favored choice for challenging environments.

The ability of Lewisia to thrive in rocky, nutrient-poor soil exemplifies nature’s capacity for beauty in harsh conditions, making it a symbol of perseverance.

25. Ligularia

Ligularia are striking for their large, kidney-shaped leaves and tall spikes or clusters of yellow or orange flowers. Ideal for moist, shaded garden spots, they add a dramatic flair with their bold foliage and eye-catching blooms. These perennials are a must-have for gardeners looking to create a lush, tropical feel in cooler climates.

A fascinating aspect of Ligularia is its tendency to wilt in direct sunlight, a protective response to conserve moisture, demonstrating the plant’s adaptability.

26. Linaria

Linaria, with its delicate, snapdragon-like flowers, is a versatile addition to any garden. Available in a spectrum of colors, these annuals or perennials can fill spaces in borders, rock gardens, or containers. Their fine, linear foliage adds texture, complementing the vibrant blooms.

The name Linaria, derived from the Latin for “flax,” refers to the plant’s flax-like leaves, highlighting the historical importance of flax in daily life.

27. Linden

Linden trees are valued not only for their heart-shaped leaves and fragrant, nectar-rich flowers but also for their cultural significance. These deciduous trees can grow to be quite large, providing ample shade in parks and along streets. The blossoms are a favorite for making soothing, aromatic tea.

In many cultures, the linden tree is a symbol of love and peace, often planted in community spaces to provide a gathering place for people to come together.

28. Linum (Flax)

Linum, specifically the species known for producing flax fibers, is remarkable for its delicate blue flowers and its significant role in textile history. The plant’s fibers are used to make linen, a durable and breathable fabric, while its seeds are a source of linseed oil and nutritional supplements.

The cultivation of flax dates back thousands of years, making it one of humanity’s oldest crops, integral to the development of early civilizations.

29. Lipstick Plant

The Lipstick Plant is a popular houseplant, named for its bright, tube-shaped flowers that resemble a tube of lipstick emerging from a dark, glossy casing. This epiphytic plant thrives in humid environments, making it perfect for indoor gardens or terrariums. Its cascading vines are ideal for hanging baskets, where the striking blooms can be displayed to full effect.

Native to tropical regions, the Lipstick Plant is an example of the diverse and visually stunning flora that thrives in rainforest ecosystems.

30. Lithodora

Lithodora is known for its vibrant blue flowers, which contrast beautifully against its dark green, needle-like foliage. This ground-cover plant excels in rock gardens or cascading over walls, where its drought-resistant nature and stunning blooms can be appreciated up close.

The intense blue color of Lithodora flowers is rare in the plant world, making it a prized addition for gardeners seeking to add a splash of color to their landscapes.

31. Livingstone Daisy

Livingstone Daisy, with its vivid, multicolored blooms, brings a cheerful burst of color to sunny spots. These drought-tolerant succulents are perfect for brightening rockeries, borders, or containers with their daisy-like flowers that open in full sunlight. Their low-maintenance nature makes them a favorite among gardeners looking for ground-cover options.

An interesting feature is their ability to close at night or on cloudy days, a behavior that conserves energy and protects their vibrant petals.

32. Lobster Claw

Lobster Claw, or Heliconia, is known for its unique, claw-shaped flowers that hang in striking clusters. This tropical plant adds an exotic touch to gardens or as a cut flower in bold, architectural arrangements. The vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of the bracts make it a standout in any setting.

Heliconias are key to the ecosystem, providing shelter and food for hummingbirds, which are the primary pollinators, demonstrating a fascinating example of plant-animal interdependence.

33. Locoweed

Locoweed, encompassing several species in the genera Astragalus and Oxytropis, is notorious for its toxicity to livestock. These plants are characterized by their attractive flowers and ability to survive in harsh conditions. Despite their beauty, the alkaloids they contain can be harmful, making their management a concern in rangelands.

The term “locoweed” derives from the Spanish “loco,” meaning mad or crazy, referring to the erratic behavior exhibited by animals poisoned by these plants.

34. Loosestrife

Loosestrife refers to several plants in the Lythrum or Lysimachia genera, known for their tall spikes of colorful flowers. They thrive in moist environments, adding height and color to water gardens or damp areas of the landscape. While beautiful, some species, like Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), are invasive outside their native range, requiring careful management.

The capacity of Purple Loosestrife to dominate wetlands illustrates the complex challenges of balancing garden aesthetics with ecological responsibility.

35. Lungwort

Lungwort, or Pulmonaria, is valued for its speckled foliage and early-spring flowers that change color from pink to blue as they mature. This shade-loving perennial is ideal for woodland gardens or underplanting in shady borders, providing interest early in the gardening season when few other plants are in bloom.

Historically, lungwort was used in herbal medicine, with its lung-shaped leaves inspiring its use according to the doctrine of signatures, which suggested plants resemble the organs they could treat.

36. Lycoris (Spider Lily)

Lycoris, known as Spider Lily, captivates with its dramatic, spider-like flowers that emerge seemingly overnight, often before the leaves appear. This bulbous plant is a surprising late-summer to fall bloomer, offering a splash of color when many other flowers are fading. The striking appearance of Spider Lilies makes them a fascinating addition to any garden.

The flower is associated with final goodbyes and reincarnation in some cultures, adding a layer of symbolic meaning to its striking beauty.

37. Lychnis

Lychnis, with its vibrant flowers and diverse species, is a versatile genus that can add splashes of color to the garden. Whether it’s the bright scarlet of Lychnis chalcedonica or the delicate pink of Lychnis coronaria, these plants are known for their ease of care and ability to attract pollinators.

An intriguing aspect of Lychnis is its role in traditional gardens and its continued popularity, demonstrating the timeless appeal of its vivid blooms.

38. Lyre Flower

Lyre Flower, or Dicentra, is admired for its heart-shaped flowers that dangle elegantly from arching stems. This perennial is a favorite in shade gardens, where its fern-like foliage and distinctive blooms create a focal point of delicate beauty. The plant is particularly noted for its early spring flowers, offering one of the first signs of the season’s change.

The name “Dicentra” reflects the unique shape of the flowers, derived from Greek words meaning “two” and “spur,” referring to the flower’s form.

39. Lavandula Angustifolia

Lavandula Angustifolia, commonly known as English Lavender, is famed for its fragrant flowers and essential oils. This perennial herb is a staple in herb gardens, landscape borders, and as a source for lavender oil, valued for its aromatic and therapeutic properties. Its drought tolerance and bee-friendly blooms make it an eco-conscious choice for gardeners.

The historical use of lavender for its antiseptic and calming properties dates back thousands of years, underscoring its enduring value beyond its beauty.

40. Lace Flower

Lace Flower, or Ammi majus, resembles Queen Anne’s Lace with its delicate, white, lacy umbels. This annual is popular in cottage gardens and as a filler in floral arrangements, where its airy texture provides contrast and elegance. It’s easy to grow and can add a wildflower feel to any garden setting.

Historically, Ammi majus was used in ancient Egypt for treating skin diseases, showcasing its long history of medicinal use alongside its ornamental value.

41. Lamb’s Lettuce

Lamb’s Lettuce, also known as Mache or Corn Salad, is a leafy green vegetable that produces small, rosette-shaped plants with a mild, nutty flavor. While technically a vegetable, its delicate, edible leaves and flowers can add a decorative touch to gardens and salads alike.

It’s highly valued for its cold tolerance, making it a favorite winter green in many parts of the world, demonstrating its versatility beyond ornamental gardening.


What flower is pink?

There are many types of flowers that are pink, such as roses, carnations, daisies, orchids, and lilies. Pink flowers can symbolize love, gratitude, admiration, or femininity.

What flower is yellow?

Some common flowers that are yellow are sunflowers, daffodils, marigolds, tulips, and lilies. Yellow flowers can represent happiness, friendship, joy, or optimism.

What are pink kisses flowers?

Pink kisses flowers are a type of dianthus, also known as pinks or carnations. They have double, fragrant, pink flowers with a red center and a white edge. They are compact, evergreen perennials that bloom in summer.

What is the flower called Ted?

There is no flower called Ted, but there is a flower called tumbling Ted, which is another name for Saponaria ocymoides. It is a mat-forming perennial with small, semi-evergreen leaves and clusters of pink flowers. It grows well in rock gardens, borders, and containers.

What is a pink lily flower?

A pink lily flower is a type of lily that has pink petals and a trumpet-shaped bloom. There are many varieties of pink lilies, such as stargazer, oriental, asiatic, and trumpet lilies. Pink lilies can signify romance, admiration, or compassion.

Last Words

When we look at the plants around us, we see how different and amazing they are. Each plant has something special to offer to our planet. Our gardens become more colorful, beautiful, and fragrant because of them.

Their beauty and diversity make us want to take care of them and keep them safe for the people who will come after us.

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40+ Flowers That Start With L - Explore These Lovely Blooms - Agrometeorology (2024)


What is a flower that starts with L? ›

Flower & Plant Library
  • Lady Palm.
  • Lady Palm, Potted.
  • Larkspur.
  • Lavender.
  • Leatherleaf.
  • Leptospermum.
  • Leucodendron.
  • Liatris.

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Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)

What is a little blue flower that starts with an L? ›

Lobelia. Colorful lobelias are an excellent choice for garden design around streams and ponds, anywhere the soil is constantly moist. The plant produces showy flower spikes in all shades of white, blue, red, and pink.

What is the flower that blooms once every 50 years? ›

This picture has been circulating in social media stating that it's a flower which blooms once in 50 years and it is called “Sankhupushpam”. It's a complete hoax. The image shown in the question is nothing but a genus of Sea Snails. It's just a species of sea snail known as Hirtomurex teramachii.

What plant begins with the letter L? ›

List of Garden Perennials that start with the letter 'L', such as Lantana, Lavandula and Lilium. Try these perennial plants today! You are sure to 'l'ike them! Enjoy!

What is this 🌺 flower called? ›

A pink hibiscus, a flower that grows in warm climates. Depicted as a single, deep-pink hibiscus flower with green leaves and prominent, yellow stamen. Commonly used for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and other special occasions.

What is the purple flower that blooms late summer? ›

'Floristan Violet'

Magenta-purple flower spikes up to a foot long attract pollinating insects, monarch butterflies, and bees. These sun lovers bloom mid to late summer and provide a good vertical accent to flower beds and cutting gardens. Especially tolerant of humidity and moist soil.

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Morning glory flowers are so named because they bloom in the morning and then wither away in the afternoon or evening.

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Liatris, also known as blazing star or gayfeather, is a tall perennial with striking spikes covered in tiny, fluffy purple flowers. It's a favorite among butterflies and adds vertical interest to meadows, borders, or wildflower gardens.

What is rarest blue flowers? ›

The one plant that contains blue pigment is the rarest in the world, the Himalayan poppy. The plant is native to Tibet, where the soil's weather conditions and acidity help protect these rare flowers. This plant thrives at 11,000 feet above sea level and withstands freezing conditions.

What is a beautiful blue flower? ›

Forget-Me-Nots Myosotis scorpioides. These tiny, sky-blue flowers grow above bright green foliage in the summer. Forget-Me-Nots have either white, pink or yellow centers. Soil Needs. Moist, Well-drained.

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In the realm of flora, Columbine emerges as a delicate ballet of bell-shaped blossoms adorned in blue and white, with yellow stamen as the performers stealing the show. This enchanting plant prefers the spotlight of full sun in the north but gracefully shies away from the scorching heat.

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Contrary to its name, the plant doesn't actually bloom every 100 years. Instead, the century plant flowers around every 10 to 30 years in desert climates. Though it is native to the deserts of Mexico and Texas, Agave Americana thrives all over Southern California, even Santa Monica's coastal Palisades Park.

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The rare Youtan Poluo or Udumbara flower, which, according to Buddhist legend, only blooms every 3,000 years, measures just 1mm in diametre.

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Lisianthus look very similar to roses, but they're usually a little cheaper! With lovely pillowy petals, they're such a pretty addition to a bouquet.

What flower starts with I? ›

20 Flowers That Start with I: Inspiring Blossoms!
  • Impatiens. Flower Type: Annual/biennial flowering plant. ...
  • Iris. Flower Type: Perennial flowering plants. ...
  • Ice Plant. Flower Type: Perennial succulent, annual in cooler climates. ...
  • Indian Blanket. ...
  • Indigofera. ...
  • Iberis (Candytuft) ...
  • Ipomoea (Morning Glory) ...
  • Ixia (Corn Lily)
Apr 7, 2024

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List of Flower Names in English
Flower Names List
Lamium/Dead-nettlesDatura/Devil's TrumpetBroom
Cassia Fistula/Golden ShowerWater LilyPlumeria
6 more rows

Is A Wisteria a flower? ›

Wisteria is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae (Leguminosae).


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.